Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Importance of Blogging

A blog can support my teaching and learning experience in many ways. It is an excellent way to document my learning experience about teaching!


I would use a blog with my students in a year long assignment. This would be flexible and self paced. This would be most appropriate for high school students but could be used at the middle school level. They would be able to upload and import photos, class writing assignments and be creative in their blog layout.

Some writing assignments could include: Autobiography, designing a family tree, creative writing, science fiction/horror etc. This would be personal to them and they would need to demonstrate researching skills for some of the assignments. They would need to correctly site photos and quotes they find online. I would observe their individual blogs periodically and grade on content that is posted.

My concerns about educational blogging are the privacy and confidentiality factors. I know stories of people posting on Facebook about certain students and parents finding out. That would be an awkward and uncomfortable situation!! Being discrete and respectful is crucial in the educational blog world!

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